What is a family tree

A family tree, sometimes called genealogical tree, is the graphic synthesis of the parental bonds that exist between people who belong to the same family. The graphic representation of individual family members and their relationships are usually presented in the form of a tree: at the bottom, where there are the roots, is placed the oldest ancestor (progenitor), on the trunk are represented the generations that derived from him. The collateral lines are placed on the branches. The traditional tree structure is often built placing the oldest generation at the top and the most recent generations at the foot of the tree.
The genealogical data can also be represented through a “family tree by four quarters”, which is commonly used to illustrate the direct line of a single individual. Unlike to the traditional family tree, which begins from the ancestor more far away in the time, the family tree by four quarters starts from a basic subject and move backward to his known ancestors, including those of the maternal line. It is said so because, in addition to parents, it shows also the ascendants of the four grandparents of the starting person.
Actually, to build the family tree of your own ancestors can be used different types of genealogical graphs as the fan chart, the butterfly chart, and the hourglass chart. It is important to remember that all family trees are the final product of the genealogical research: the genealogical data obtained from the sources stored in the various archives allow us to create graphic representations through which it is possible to show how our relatives and ancestors are related to one another.
Reasons why you should make an Italian Family Tree
The main reason that persuades many people to build a family tree is the desire to know the history of their family. Our parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc. have helped make us who we are. Discovering the origins of our own family is a fascinating journey back in time: a journey through which we get to know the people who preceded us. For many people of Italian descent, the reconstruction of their family tree is closely related to desire to discover more information about their Italian ancestors and to understand the social and historical circumstances that led them to leave Italy, the events that marked their existence, and the life of those who arrived later.
Italy is a country rich in history and traditions, a country where the family ties are still very important. Discovery the history and origins of your Italian family will allow you to be part of these bonds and to know your origins. You will be able to identify the country where your ancestors lived, see when they emigrated and with which ship. The data that will emerge will allow you not only to create your genealogical tree but also to undertake, if you wish, the procedure for applying for Italian citizenship. You can organize your trip to Italy to discover the streets where your ancestors were born or to know the places where they lived.
How tracing your Italian ancestors

Before start planning a family tree, it is important to verify, and identify all information available in the country where your ancestors lived after leaving Italy. In tracing the history of Italian immigrants, the passenger lists, censuses, draft registration cards, naturalizations constitute a useful starting point for proving their identities, relationships and biographical details. These records may also provide information to locate the Italian ancestors’ place of origin. For this reason, the first step is to carry out a search in order to find out as much as possible about the life of your ancestors.
Based upon the information obtained from the sources produced in the country where your ancestors emigrated, the Italian documents, relating to your Italian family, will have to be searched at the Italian archives.

How to build a family tree

First, create a table where you will enter the information that you will collect during your research. Start with yourself, indicating where and when you were born, then go up by entering your parents, your grandparents and great grandparents and so on. Collect as much information, documents, photos, ask your older relatives if they remember names, dates and places. We advise you to write down all the information you find and insert them in the table (you may forget them !!), during the search you may find it difficult, in some cases it is necessary to physically go to the archives, also the oldest documents may be of difficult to read. Once you have collected all the information about your ancestors and you think you have completed (you can always expand your search) choose a family tree model and enter the data in your possession. On the internet many genealogical websites provide freely or for a fee various chart formats that you can use in order to create your own family tree.
The reconstruction of one’s origins is a work of patience, study and intuition. If you do not have the skills or you don’t have time to go to the municipal, parish and state archives, you can contact a professional genealogist who can help you to trace the history of your family and to create an accurate family tree. Actarchivi, through the search and consultation of different types of documents, is able to help you to discover your ancestors and to build your family tree. Whether you know little about your ancestors or you have already conducted a family research, Actarchivi can help you to trace your family tree or to discover your elusive ancestor. If you encounter any difficulties or are in need of advice, Actarchivi will be happy to be able to help you through its services and researches.
Family Tree Packages price
Do you wish discover the origins of your Italian family? Do you want to know the history of your Italian ancestors? Do you want to know where they grew up and where your roots are born in Italy? To know their own history, their family and their origins helps us to better understand who we are. If you are interesting to discover your roots, we offer family tree research services and different family research packages that can respond to any inquiries.
The cost of the genealogy research of your family will be based on the depth of the research. Our genealogical reports contain the transcription of documents and of course details about your ancestors’ lives. All facts are properly cited and referenced. The sources found are carefully inserted in the historic and geographic context where your ancestors lived.
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Other fees may include travel and parking when necessary. You pay when the research has been completed. We will send you the report only when we have received after the payment.
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All data referred to physical and juridical persons are treated according to Italian Laws on the protection of personal data (Privacy Law 196/03).