What Our Clients Say

Thank you very much!!! Your assistance has been greatly appreciated and is of great value.

Malcolm and Juneu, April 2024 (USA)

Buongiorno Patrizia e Rossella,

Report recieved. I loved it!! A lot of useful information within the comments. Thank you!

Leonardo R.M., June 2023 (Argentina)

Good morning Rosella and Patrizia, I want to thank you for the thorough research job you did on our family. There are many things that we never knew but now we have answers and thank you for that. Thanks Again.

Jim Angelo, September 2022

Dear Patrizia and Rossella,
Thank you, I have received the documents. I would like to thank you both for all of your help in my search. Now on to my application for Italian Citizenship. Warm regards,

Christian Rocca, 22 August 2022

Ho incontrato questo sito quasi casualmente ed ho chiesto una ricostruzione completa del mio albero genealogico per la linea paterna. Il lavoro è stato ottimo, al termine della ricerca mi è stato fornito ogni documento reperibile oltre ad una relazione completa dei vari passaggi, di generazione in generazione, in grado di contestualizzare i miei antenati, con tutte le informazioni recuperate (anni, lavoro, livello di istruzione, eventuali migrazioni da altre città, ecc.). E’ stato un lavoro completo e voglio ringraziare ancora una volta Rossella e Patrizia, per la loro competenza, la disponibilità e cortesia, soprattutto nel fornire ogni chiarimento necessario per comprendere i vari passaggi che hanno reso possibile ricostruire la storia della mia famiglia.

Ancora complimenti, senza il vostro aiuto sarebbe stato tutto molto più complicato ed alcuni documenti sarebbero rimasti introvabili. Grazie.

Marco Proietti, 22 September 2022

Dear Rosella, It was a pleasure having the services of Rosella. She found in record time the birth certificate of my great-grandfather with very little data. I had already lost hope since two different agents in Argentina could not find it. She always replied to my emails quickly and answered all my questions. It only remains for me to thank her and of course I will recommend her services to everyone who asks me.

T.P., 12 August 2021

Non appena concluso il mio processo non esiterei in indicarvi nuovi cliente per le simili richieste, ho tante Conoscenze in Brasile, di persone che cercano questo servizio di ricerca per il processo di cittadinanza e simili. Grazie ancora.

Manuel Rodriguez, 29 March 2022

Patrizia, Thank you both for the report and attachments. Exactly what I was hoping for.

T.P., 23 January 2021

Good morning Patrizia & Rossella, I received the certificates yesterday! Thank you very much! You guys are the best! Manuel

Waarwick, 14 February 2021

Hi Rossella,
A positive comment:

“Thanks to Rosella and Actarchivi I had my Italian ancestor birth certificate and I am hoping I would be able to get my Italian citizenship in the future. To be honest, I was a little afraid about getting in touch with them because like many of us, I didn’t know them personally. I found them surfing on the internet. But I had a good feeling and after getting in touch with Rossella I felt relieved. Actarchivi worked efficiently through my questions, they made sure they had enough information before accepting the job, and made a great job finding my Italian ancestor and his paperwork. I hope the best to Patrizia and Rossella”

Kind regards,

Juan Carlos Turco Greco, 10 January 2021 (USA)

Dear Rossella and Patrizia,
Thank you so much for all your work, it was all so interesting and emotional to read. I am hoping to visit some of these locations when I come to Italy. Now that I have some names I can try and find out if I could possibly have any living relatives. Warmest regards

T.P., 15 August 2021 (USA)

Hi Rossella, Patrizia,

Thanks for sending. This is absolutely wonderful and so informative!
It’ll take a while to digest it all, and I’ve already shared it with various family members who’ve been excited to receive it.

It means a lot to us to be able to reconnect with our roots. Thanks so much again for all of your hard work and for being so responsive and helpful all along! Hopefully in the not-too-distant future we’ll be able to visit these places in person. Take care, Steve

Steve, 15 August 2021 (USA)

Hi Rossella, Patrizia, Thanks so much for the report — it’s wonderfully well done and informative beyond my expectations! There’s just so much great information in the last one you compiled that I can’t imagine going for anything less. It’s taking a long time to get through and absorb all of the details. It must’ve been a tremendous effort and we’re very appreciative of all of the hard work that went into compiling it!

S.R., 22 February 2021 (USA)


Thank you both for the report and attachments. Exactly what I was hoping for.

T.P., 14 February 2021 (USA)

Dear Rossella and Patrizia,
I wanted to thank you for your dedication in researching my grandparents birth records. You have been so helpful! I deeply appreciate your work. I could never have accomplished this without! Grazie Mille,

June Bryson, 3 February 2021 (Florida – USA)

I had the pleasure to work with Rossella and Actarchivi on a family research project of my Italian family. The research was not easy as I didn’t have much information about my ancestors. She led the research with much professionalism and was able to find my Italian great grandfather’s documents from the year 1890. Not only she found the information and documents, but she did this service in 2 weeks which is an important detail for somebody looking to start a dual citizenship process. Thanks Rossella for your work. I very much recommend it for anyone looking for similar services. Regards,

Pablo Magro, November 2019 (Argentina)

Patrizia was amazing to work with. She found an Italian document that I’ve been looking for years in record time. She always responded to me emails super fast and sent me the document all the way to Australia super quick. I would highly recommend her services 🙂 Thanks Patrizia!

Roci DelaPenna, 15 November 2018 (Australia)

Hi Patrizia and Rossella
The report is terrific. Thanks again for all of your help and I will be in touch in a few months time when I am ready and able to start another project with you. Until the next time
Kind regards

M., 3 March 2015 (UK)

I would like to recommend Patrizia to anyone who needs genealogical research in Italy. Working with her is a pleasure, and her skilled work, and frequent communications kept me up to date on progress while researching my family background. She understood what I wanted to accomplish right away, is very professional and is very thorough. After my years of unsuccessful researching and searching, she found me the exact documents I needed very quickly. Working with her is a pleasure. If you need a genealogical researcher, I highly recommend Patrizia

Christopher Faiella, 20 October 2016 (Miami)