Italian civil registration records documents request services

Genealogical records
The principal genealogical records for anyone wishing to find information on your own ancestors are:
Civil records
- Birth records
- Death records
- Marriage records
Parish records
- Baptism records
- Marriage records
- Death or Burial records

Italian Civil records
Italian civil registration records began on January 1,1866 [Royal Decree No. 2602 of November 15, 1865]. Prior to that time, the registration of vital events (birth, marriage, and death) they was carried out by parish priests or by other local authorities in several different ways that differ according to the historical period. For many descendants of the Italian immigrants, who immigrated from Italy between the late 1800s and early 1900s, the civil records constitute the starting point in order to conduct your own family history research.
Italian Parish records
Since the sixteenth century (Council of Trent), the parish priests are obliged to record the baptisms, marriages and deaths (burials) performed in the parishes. The parish records are generally are used when those are missing or destroyed, and for rebuild one’s genealogy until the end of the 16th century.
Where to find your family records?

- Ufficio dello Stato civile: in Italy, the documents concerning the vital events of each person are produced and maintained by the Ufficio dello Stato civile (Vital records office) of the municipality where the events took place or transcribed. In the Italian municipalities, the Mayor (Sindaco) or his substitute [deputy mayor or senior alderman] is the civil official the certifies all civil status events related to births, marriages and deaths, occurred in the territory of a municipality or anyway concerning a person resident within that territory. In Italian Vital records office, the records that document life events are always filled out in two copies: the first copy remains in the local town office of the “Stato Civile”, while the second is sent to the Prefettura (local government.) The second copy, after seventy years, is deposited to the States Archives (Archivi di Stato) for preservation and access. The municipal vital records office issues certificates, extracts and integral copies of vital records (births, marriages, and deaths):
- Italian birth, marriage, and death certificates contain the minimum essential data to describe an event: number of the Civil State Registry act, name, surname, place and date of birth, place and date of a person’s event
- The extracts of birth, marriage and death certifies (include), in addition to the same data described above for the certificate, any marginal notes. On the birth extract, the certifiable notes are, for example, those relating to: marriage, divorce, death, purchase / loss and re-acquisition of Italian citizenship, etc.
- The integral copy of a civil vital records is the photocopy of the original act registered in the Vital records office at the time of the event took place.
- Archvivi di Stato: Italian State Archives, situated in every provincial capital, keep the documents of the central and peripheral administrations of the pre-unification States and those produced by peripheral administrations of the unitary State, including the military records produced by the Military District. About the civil records, the State Archives preserve the following collections:
- Napoleonic civil records: 1806-1815
- Civil State of the Restoration: 1816-1856
- Italian civil registration: 1866-present
- Parish and Diocesan archives: the parish registers, containing baptisms, marriages and deaths (burials) acts, are almost always kept by individual parishes. Transcripts copies of parish acts are sometimes deposited at the diocesan archives.
Retrieval of civil records, parish records, historical documents, from Italian Municipal Registry offices, and Italian archives (State archives, parish and diocesan archives)
How to obtain the Italian records of your ancestors?

To obtain the Italian records you need, you can write directly to the municipality of origin of your ancestor or to the State Archives and local parishes. if you have difficulty finding the family records that pertain to your Italian ancestors we offer genealogical services to locate and retrieval the civil records from Italian municipal Registry offices, historical documents that are stored in the Italian archives (State Archives), and the parish records held in the local parish or in diocesan archives. We will happy to help you in your search for genealogical records of your family history.
The Vital records request from the Ufficio dello Stato civile (Vital records office) in which the event occurred:
- Euro 180,00 – one document request for Vital records request from the Italian Vital records office in which the event occurred:
- Request from the Italian State archives, parish an diocesan archives – Euro 200, 00
- Look up and retrieve of the records available online – Euro 70,00
- Hourly Fee — Euro 30.00 per hour for the research and for the organization of the information which are collected in the different archives.
- Translation of documents require a separate cost to be agreed.
- Other fees may include, but are not limited to, costs of photocopies, fees charged by civil authorities for records and film orders placed on your behalf, travel and parking fees when necessary.
- Documents received sent to you via mail or by International Shipping (Poste Italiane).
Other records that we can require to Italian municipalities:
Euro 200,00 – Stato di Famiglia Storico (Historic State of the Family): this certificate, issued by Ufficio Anagrafe, contains information on the names, relationships, birth dates, and birth places of all living family members at the time it was put on record. The cost does not include the taxes required by the Italian municipalities for the release of this document
Payment through PayPal.
In order to assisting you in your research we have need some information about your ancestor:
- Full name of ancestors
- Other names used
- Date of birth and place of birth
- Date of death
- and other info you have (e.g. his parents name, when or where he got married, places your ancestor might have lived, any brothers or relatives)